Participant Sculptors

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1. The Government of the Province of Chaco, along with the Urunday Foundation, established the Organizing Committee to carry out the “International Biennial of Sculpture”. The contest will be performed in the city of Resistencia, Chaco, Republica Argentina, from the 16th of July to the 23rd of July, 2016.
2. Ten(10) artists who will be selected due to their achievements in regional, national and international sculpture competitions, exhibitions, fairs and events.
3. Sculptors will arrive to Resistencia on July 15th, 2016.
4. Prizes will be awarded as follows:
• First prize "Nuevo Banco del Chaco": U$S 10.000,00 (ten thousands US dollars, gold medal) and a plaque.
• Second prize "Centésimo Aniversario Municipalidad de Fontana": U$S 5.000,00 (five thousands US dollars, silver medal) and a plaque.
• Third prize "OSDE": U$S 3.000,00 (three thousands US dollars, bronze medal) and a plaque.
• Tarjeta Naranja prize: U$S 1.000,00 (one thousand US dollars) and a plaque.
• Femechaco prize: U$S 1.000,00 (one thousand US dollars) and a plaque.
• Poder Legislativo del Chaco prize: U$S 1.000,00 (one thousand US dollars) and a plaque.
• Sculptor’s prize “Efraín Boglietti”: U$S 1.000,00 (one thousand US dollars) and a plaque.
• People’s choice prize: U$S 1.000,00 (one thousand US dollars) and a plaque.
• Children’s choice prize: U$S 1.000,00 (one thousand US dollars) and a plaque.
5. The 10 participating sculptors will receive U$S 3.500,00 (three thousands five hundred US dollars) as payment for their work, a medal and certificates. The four invited sculptors will receive ARS$ 8.000 (for recyclable materials).
6. All of the participant’s works will be exhibited for sixty (60) days. Afterwards, their works will be placed throughout the city as Cultural Heritage of Resistencia, Chaco, and Capital City of Sculptures.
7. The jury shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the Organizing Committee, who will visit the assigned places to each artist at any time they consider appropriate.
8. The jury will prepare a record of decisions, not allowing any of its members to abstain from voting on any occasion. His decision is final and will not be open to appeal.
9. The work to be performed must meet the following conditions: For the 10 (ten) selected artists: a) Subject: "EQUILIBRIUM". b) An original and unpublished sculpture. c) Done on a 2,00 mts X 0,50 mts X 0,50 mts piece of travertine marble. d) Sculptors must bring their own tools, including grinder.
10. Sculptors must register for the contest before November, 30th, exclusively on the web site
11. Sculptors will work out doors in open air and under any weather conditions. Working hours will be ruled by the “Exclusive Program for Participant Sculptors” of the contest. Once the contest is over, sculptors will not be able to continue working.
12. If any participant finishes ahead of schedule, it is mandatory to remain in the venue until the last day and must attend the award ceremony.
13. Participants are required to attend all events organized by the Organizing Committee.
14. Lodging and living expenses for participants and invited sculptors will be provided by the Organizing Committee (double-bed room, breakfast, lunch, dinner) from 6:00 PM July, 14th –the day before initiating the contest- until 6:00 PM July 24th –the day after the award ceremony-. Extra expenses, such as phone calls and drinks, will not be provided.
The Organizing Committee will also provide transportation Buenos Aires – Resistencia – Buenos Aires on a sleeping-car bus service with dinner provided. The trip will be 12 hours approximately.
15. Each participant must hold medical insurance. Otherwise and for any eventuality, medical charges must be paid by the participants.
16. All rights on video recordings, bindings and photographs taken during the event are reserved to the Organizing Committee. Advertising in the working areas will be scheduled by the Organizing Committee exclusively.
17. In case of non-compliance of any point of this Regulation, the Organizing Committee has the right to accept or deny participants.
18. Any event or circumstance not covered by these rules shall be decided by the Organizing Committee.
Click here to download Regulation in PDF
1. The Municipality of Juan José Castelli, and “Friends of Arts” established the Organizing Committee to carry out the “The Meeting of Sculpture”. This encounter will be held in the city of Juan José Castelli, Chaco, from July 26th to August 2nd, 2016.
2. The Urunday Foundation is committed to give comprehensive advice on the organization and dissemination of the event as well as to ensure the attendance of 11 (eleven) participant sculptors from the International Biennial of Sculptures.
3. Sculptors will arrive to Juan José Castelli on July 24th, 2016.
4. The 11 (eleven) sculptors will receive U$D 2.000 (Two thousand American Dollars), in concept of remuneration, and certificates.
5. All of the participant’s works will be exhibited for thirty (30) days. After that, the works will become Heritage of the city.
6. The work to be performed must meet the following conditions: a Subject: “Sounds of the Forest”. b An original and unpublished sculpture. c Done on a 1Mt x 50cm x 50cm meter piece of travertine marble. Hardness 3. d 220 volts will be provided. Sculptors must bring their own tools, including grinder.
7. Sculptors will work out doors in open air and under any weather conditions. Working hours will be ruled by the “Exclusive Program for Participant Sculptors” of the contest. Once the contest is over, sculptors will not be able to keep working.
8. If any participant finishes ahead of schedule, it is compulsory to remain in the venue until the last day.
9. Participants are required to attend all events organized by the Organizing Committee.
10. Lodging and living expenses for participants and invited sculptors will be provided by the Organizing Committee (double-bed room, breakfast, lunch, dinner) from the day previous to the beginning until August 2nd, 2016. Extra expenses, such as phone calls and drinks, will not be provided.
11. All rights on video recordings, bindings and photographs taken during the event are reserved to the Organizing Committee. Advertising in working places will be scheduled by the Organizing Committee exclusively.
12. In case of non-compliance of any point of this Regulation, the Organizing Committee has the right to accept or deny participants.