Piotr Twardowski
Winner Biennal 2006
The inspiration for my sculpture was fascination with the matter of cosmos – the surprising world, gradually discovered but still unknown, the super-space of hidden processes, an entities and a formal structures. The science discovers still new models and diverse objects of the mega- world.
The title of work “PT-18” referring to the names of the planetoids flying next to Earth, constitutes my initials and the year of foundation. It presents my “fraction of the Universe” – a subtle and sufficiently complicated mechanism in which the movement of one of the minor elements is intriguing to reflection and questions about the relation of a part to the whole, and thus about the coexistence of the man, of the life on Earth with the Universe.
Most important awards
2016: The Best Modeling Award in International Outdoor Sculpture Invitational Exhibition in Yiwu, China.
2014: 2nd place at the 1st International Sculpture Biennale Marcos Juarez in Cordoba, Argentina.
2007: Grand Prix Ube Biennale’07 in Ube, Japan. 2007: Second place in the International Sculpture Contest at the Center for Inquiry(CFI), Amherst NY, USA.
2006: Grand Prix at the International Biennale of Sculpture, Resistencia, Argentina. Scholarship of Minister of Culture and the National Heritage- „The Young Poland”, Poland.
2001: Creative Scholarship of the Krakow Council City, Poland.
Participation in contests
2015: New Silk Road. New Starting Point- The First Dream of Sunbird International Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition, China Sculpture Institute, Beijing, China. 2015: Macht Kunst. Ihre Sculptur für Berlin, Deutsche Bank, Berlin, Germany.
2014: XX Bienal International de Escultura – Chaco 2014, Museum de las Esculturas Urbanos del Mundo, Resistencia, Argentina. 2014: 1°Bienal International de Esculturas Marcos Juárez-Cordoba, Culture Centre in Marcos Juárez, Argentina.
2013: International exhibition honoured projects at the Concurso de Escultura Publica Monumental para el desarrollo escultorico- artistico del futuro Parque de Levante de la ciudad de Murcia , Almudi Palace Arts Centre, Murcia, Spain.
2011: VIII International Symposium of Sculpture, Masseret, France. Crossroads of Freedom. Spatial Forms Festival, Gdansk, Poland.
2010: VII International Sculpture Symposium, Salon la Tour, France. 2nd International Sculpture Biennale, Guadalajara, Mexico.
2007: Twenty selected projects for the European Monumental Sculpture Contest- “Art is steel”-Reims, France. Ube Biennale, International Sculpture Contest, Open-air Museum, Ube, Japan.